Wills Blog 5.14.18

Blog #11 from the sanctuary at Kitten Rescue:

Like sands through the hour glass, (or litter granules through the pooper scooper) these are the Days of Our Nine Lives…..

I am Wills; I’m six years old and was rescued as a kitten and adopted but returned for “behavioral” issues. That made me very angry and so sometimes I forget that I can be sweet and loving and I get an attitude, but only sometimes and less and less lately. I’m kind of spoiled, I started out in the social room, but then moved to the hotel on my own, but then I would go back and forth depending on which food I wanted to eat. I liked eating my kibble in the social room. Now I pretty much hang out in the hotel. I was recently diagnosed with Stomatitis and had all my “teefs” removed. That didn’t feel good. I feel like the doc forgot the Novocain and I had to stay in ISO for a bit so it would be easier for the caretakers to give me meds. I do have some favorites that I really look forward to seeing…one of them even thinks I’m dreamy…

Much has been happening around here, right after his b-day party, Champ received the bestest present ever. Nina, KR’s former manager brought Champ home to live with her family. What a retirement present huh Champ? A home and Nina’s to boot! Some guys have all the luck. Daphne and Violet (aka Meatball) both got adopted shortly after Eli introduced them but you didn’t really get a chance to know them. (Very special kitties, both of them, Violet even has a BB gun pellet stuck in her.) Two seniors with issues who went to two great homes. How about that? And Meatball, ahem, I mean Violet even has her own Instagram, “Violet.the.Meatball.” is her handle if you want to follow. Mr. Biscuits was also adopted. And for more good news, Esther, KR’s current manager has taken Sally (Sally is 18, she and her daughter were adopted from KR back in 2000 but returned last year when their owners passed away) home to live with her family.

Bellatrix formerly Wendy in the nursery got a haircut and she’s like a new cat. No more hissing at everyone. She is all about laps and showing off her summer style. Lots of new comers, Isabel – (we aren’t sure how well she sees or hears), Maui - (he has really bad asthma), Prada, Toyota and Trailer Park Charlie aka TPC, he only has one eye. And of course Kai, who was ran over and brought to the East Valley Shelter. He has all kinds of fractures and KR is taking good care of him. I’ve seen him in ISO when I am in the kitchen checking with Mimi on the status of lunch.

Morris has pretty much handed over his feral card, Jessica has been seen leaving her enclosure more often and Boots, she has been out and about more as well… of course with supervision… by Nikki!

I am so glad all the construction is over. The Adoption Center opens in a couple weeks with a big party, I guess I’ll have to be on my best behavior, or not. Don’t look at me unless I ask you to and don’t touch me unless I say it’s okay! Oh, Oh, got to go, the lady who calls me dreamy is coming… I kind of like her too. She says she is going to make me a sponsor kitty. I don’t really know what that means, but if it means she will keep coming to visit, then it’s a yes! - Wills

To read previous commentary by other cats in the sanctuary, you can visit: https://daysofourninelives.blogspot.com/

For more information on sponsoring a special needs cat like Wills, please visit www.kittenrescue.org

In order of mention:

1st row: Champ, Eli, Daphne & Violet

2nd row: Mr. Biscuits, Sally, Bellatrix & Isabel

3rd row: Maui, Prada, Toyota & Trailer Park Charlie

4th row: Kai, Morris, Jessica & Boots being supervised by Nikki

pc: John P., Darlene S., Kelly S., Jennifer M., Kindra W.


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