Simone Blog 11.14.17

Like sands through the hour glass, (or litter granules through the pooper scooper) these are Days of Our Nine Lives…..  

I don’t know how much noise I have to make before they stop bringing me more food that everyone else is eating anyway, before they realize that my bed has been commandeered and I need a new one, STAT!  I so need to take a walk and cool off and I’m outta here, that Jellee lady from another county is here, she’ll let me out of here.  Drats, she just gave me pets and asked what I wanted but then ignored my request for a new bed.  Ari, Ari, yeah, I’ll get him to let me out of here, I’m so outta here and off to find a new bed.  And I’m out, Ari’s such a softy, I’m free… and drats, Mimi is shadowing me….well, she’s a good listener, she’ll get me a new bed.  

Ohhhh… snuggles from Mimi, I’ll just stay in her arms a bit and monitor the goings on, I can’t remember what I wanted now.  Darby, he ran right up to Jellee like she missed him or something.  Esme is leaving today, she is going to foster, she is a sweet girl, gots lots of attention, good luck Esme!  The pedestal of poop must only have one life and is headed to the dumpster. We are kind of hard on the furniture in our home.  Heard through the “meow-meow tattler” that Nova walked right up to Ari and wanted pets today.  Someone better have gotten video or it didn’t happen.  The Hillbillies were released from their enclosure days ago, but Billy Joe is still letting everyone know how he felt about lock-up with his brothers, as if chatty Crybaby wasn’t gabbing enough for everyone on that side of the sanctuary.  Abbey is the talker on our side, especially when she has crabby pants on.  There goes Queen Teuta, heading for “her” lap and Dakota, Nikki and Sheridan are going to get swatted if they don’t give way to her. I think Eli and Belle broke up, haven’t seen them snuggle lately.  Pumkin and Saffy are headed to the doctor’s tomorrow, shouldn’t be anything having to use a life up over.  

Pearlie and Belle are like famous again, they have their own Instagram now at PearlieandBelle.  Very original ladies (eyes might be rolling).  And they are getting their own Kitten Rescue Facebook page…. Pearlie & Belle.  Check out social media superstar sisters!   Wait, why are you putting me down….Mimi, wait, wait….. where are you going….  Ooooooooooooooooo…… a new bed, Mimi knew, Mimi always knows.  - Simone


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