Darby Blog 11.29.17

Like sands through the hour glass, (or litter granules through the pooper scooper) these are the Days of Our Nine Lives….. 

Darby here, yep, I am the three legged panther roaming the sanctuary, not so fierce, I enjoy attention, in fact I will TELL you to give me some pets.  Rumor has it, someone may be coming to check me out this weekend, then again, they are checking out Buster and Charlotte too… maybe others.  Either way, it’s all good, I know the huuumans are working to find me a forever home, not that I mind it here, I do get lots of attention but a couch of my own… yeah, that sounds good.  So Esme left us last week for PetSmart… and bam, lickety split, she’s has found her forever human and home.  Peter and William are off to theirs as well.  Way to go little ones!  

The Dodger Litter, now that’s another story, those poor kids keep getting the sneezies and eye gunk and rotate populating ISO’s.  I hear they are on the uptick, but probably not until it runs through the entire family, no wonder Mama Claire needed a break. Now back to us adults…. Let’s start with Duchess, I personally witnessed her using her thumbs (she’s a polydactyl) to open up the baby food and help herself, not once, not twice, but on three different jars.  Like seriously Mimi, we need a security guard in the kitchen or there is going to be a run on the baby food if this keeps up.  Don’t know what is up with Snoop lately, and I don’t know why I say lately as he does this all the time, but he gets on tops of the enclosures and yells at everyone to pet him.  Newsflash Snoop, not everyone is tall enough to reach you up there, get your furry bum down here if you want pets. Which leads me to the fact that you stood on top of the enclosures that Seth was putting the doors back on the entire time yelling at him to be quiet.  Snoop, the world only revolves around you in your mind; Seth was busy making it so KR could rescue more kitties this “winter”.  Tomato, Dex, Lyric, Brother T and Mekonnen are just some of the new arrivals to the sanctuary.  Getting busy, busy again, so many kitties like me to be saved.  Still no sign of an Eli/Belle reconciliation, in fact he was spotted laying with her sister Pearlie last week.  Oh, the drama…  Moving on... 

#Giving Tuesday was yesterday and the huuumans are grateful, something about them hopoing to be able to relocate the FeLV enclosures to turn that area and part of the shed into an adoption center, now how cool is that?   I heard Jellee ask Ben for a lazy boy recliner to be added to the new FeLV area, as if that would survive even a week with Holly and the gang.  Get real; this isn’t some reality TV show Jellee!  Speaking of the gang, the FeLV gang is now six… with the newest addition of Bob.  I hear he is a nice kid, about two, a KR foster found him and was going to keep him, work on finding him a home, but then he popped positive for FeLV and well now he has a new forever home here at KR.  Holly was seen snuggling with Uncle Mario; did someone slip them some happy pills?  Esther was here at 3am feeding Oliver, uh… I didn’t know room service was still open at that hour, I don’t recall that being an option of service upgrade when I checked in?  Caramel is pondering a career in hair. Morris is doing his best “Fabio” impersonation, how does he even know who that is?  Queen Teuta copped an attitude today as “her” lap was once again taken over before she could get her royal catness bum up to lay claim to it, thus she demanded to be apologized to, wine and dined, errr, uh, at least dined aka given treats, before making her move and staking her claim.  Ming thinks John is her personal massage therapist, how do the ladies pull this off?  Speaking of ladies pulling things off, Harley, the lone hold over from the time the property was purchased by KR has a sponsor now.  She’s 16; quite nice really, I am happy for her.  Squirrel aka Dolce was adopted from the Stevenson Ranch PetSmart.  Leo aka Leona possible departure in December?  

So many comings and goings….am I next?  - Darby

PS – Send treats! Doh! 


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