Champ Blog 2.13.18
Blog #7 from the sanctuary at Kitten Rescue:
Like sands through the hour glass, (or litter granules through
the pooper scooper) these are the Days of Our Nine Lives…..
Champ here, for those who don’t know me, I am the senior in
these parts. I’ll be 19 on March 31st. Aside from having my chompers removed long
ago and now having to receive insulin this last year for being diabetic, I am
doing quite well, weighing in at a sleek 14lbs.
I am a bit of a cuddler, okay, not a bit, a lot, love pets. And when I am not seeking those, well,
sometimes I try to get the fridge open to see what the caretakers brought for
lunch. I am rarely successful, but that
doesn’t stop be from trying!
We welcomed some more good news the last week. Oscar, Jitterbug (if you didn’t see her video
on KR’s FB, you should, she is so happy!) and Leo got adopted. And while we had some bad news in that the
person interested in Pearlie or Belle, yes, “or” being the operative word here,
only wanted to add one special needs kitty to her family, the good news is
that, she then opted for our three legged panther, Darby! So Darby too, is in his forever home. We hope there is a family out there somewhere
that will take our two tortie sisters at some point, but I love that KR
recognizes that they are bonded and will not split them up.
Speaking of Pearlie and Belle, Pearlie still hanging out in ISO
although getting better. I guess Belle
got tired of waiting for her return so she decided to “fake” a cold so she
could go to ISO too. She got kicked out
after 24 hours. She was okay with that,
she just wanted to check on her sister.
Princess Leia is letting her guard down and letting people pet
her without swatting them twenty seconds later.
She’s diabetic like me, but a panther.
I kind of admire her spunk, but she should learn to chill, pets are
good, real good. C-Note is eating real well
and seems more alert. Over in the social
room, Gobbles is over the noise or maybe just ready to go back outside again. I
think they are all getting a little tired of being cooped up over there, but
the “Meow-Meow Tattler” says that the FeLV kids may be moving into their new
digs this weekend which could mean things start to get back to normal
soon. It’s hard to tell, cause so many
of them love snuggling in the big beds and love the forts that have been made
for them. Well, what can I say, we are
cats, we change our mind from minute to minute on whether or not we are
satisfied! Morris has become the support
cat for those getting fluids on the social room. For the record, support cat sometimes = treat
motivated. He especially likes to help
Saffy and Ming, well; she only has eyes for John still.
I should probably go find a bunker to hunker down in, apparently
something called he** is freezing over, there is a rumor that Mimi is taking a
day off. But wait, not one day, but TWO
DAYS, in a row even, this weekend….. Pray
for us! - Champ
1st row: Oscar, Jitterbug, Leo, Pearlie
2nd row: Belle, Darby, Princess Leia, C-Note
3rd row: Gobbles, New FeLV area, New sink in FeLV area, Fort #1
4th row: Fort #2, Morris, Saffy, Ming
pc: KW & JP
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